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Straight up sex

Nadia Stadnycki Staff Writer I have come to the conclusion that I suffer from engagementringophobia. I’d like to say it’s innate, but alas, I know that no fear is unfounded. So I’m working on dissecting

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Vote or Cry

I’m a Democrat, I support John Kerry, and I support the concept of P.Diddy’s “Vote or Die” campaign. Nevertheless, I feel that the event on Wednesday night was an absolute disastrous waste of 3 hours

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Daily Shows

Some would call it snide and crude. Others would call it immature name-calling. We would call it magic. Last week on CNN’s Crossfire, a daily left-right debate program, John Stewart of The Daily Show appeared

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TSG addresses students’ pay

According to the Temple Student Government (TSG), administrators ignore the voices and concerns of students when making landmark decisions on campus. “Decisions here are made shockingly without any student input,” TSG President Naeem Thompson said.

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It’s the occupation, stupid

While the Israeli government and pro-Israeli organizations would like to draw parallels between Israel’s experience in political, social, and economic instability, with current (and justifiable) anti-terrorist sentiment within the United States, the reality of the

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Bring home bacon at CIA

Unless you are one of those lucky rich kids you probably had a summer job this year. Some pushed double-mocha-latte-fudge CappaRamaDingDongs at Starbucks, others fetched that drink for their bosses at an internship, and a