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New hire to boost research funding

Temple’s research enterprise is quickly growing as newly hired Senior Vice President for Research Larry F. Lemanski has a clear vision for the future. As of Dec. 1, Lemanski began his journey to push Temple

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Crime Report for 1/29

Jan. 21 White Hall, Fourth Floor Campus Police confiscated 10 cans of beer from two underage student residents that were observed to be under the influence of alcohol. Referred to UDC. 1536 N. 15th St.,

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Azure spices up NoLib

Catch the buzz on the Northern Liberties restaurant scene. Azure gives you plenty of spice at student-affordable prices. The restaurant is conveniently located at Second and Laurel streets, in heart of Northern Liberties next to

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That’s hot: One day with Paris

REVIEW – She’s lean, she’s clean and she’s invading the silver screen. That was Paris Hilton’s message during an intimate college press conference at the Four Seasons Hotel in Center City last Thursday. The 26-year-old