“Non Campus Mentis” makes a point

I recently finished reading a book, given to me by Entertainment Editor John Vettese, titled “Non Campus Mentis.” It is a history of the world as told by college students. It is a slim volume

I recently finished reading a book, given to me by Entertainment Editor John Vettese, titled “Non Campus Mentis.” It is a history of the world as told by college students.

It is a slim volume of excerpts from essays and blue book exams compiled by Anders Henriksson, a college professor. The true “authors” of this book are not named, and with good reason.

This book is filled with statements like, “World War II became the Cold War, because Benjamin Franklin Roosevelt did not trust Lenin and Stalin. An ironed curtain fell across the haunches of Europe,” and “The pyramids were large square triangles built in the desert. O’Cyrus, a god who lived in a pyramid, would give you the afterlife if your sole was on straight.” All of the other statements in the book aren’t much better.

The book made me realize one thing: I’ve met people like this at Temple. You have too. You know there’s always at least one person in your class that says such stupid things that it makes you want to punch them. Not that I’m saying you should punch them, but there is an urge every now and again.

It makes you wonder: how did these people get into a university? Realistically, Temple’s standards aren’t the highest in the world, but it’s a damn good school. I know I have to TRY to make it through the semester, yet these people always seem to glide through their college career.

I have only one question: how do they do it? The world may never know.

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