Response to Last Week’s Lettor to the Editor

Although Joseph Christian has a right to his opinion, (even if I do believe it is wrong), I just felt compelled to respond to his letter because it seems as though it will breed hate

Although Joseph Christian has a right to his opinion, (even if I do believe it is wrong), I just felt compelled to respond to his letter because it seems as though it will breed hate and resentment among Temple students. I think a letter should be printed that supports gays and lesbians to balance out the hateful letter printed last issue.

God is a loving god (almost every religion says so) and She does not punish anyone who shows love, compassion, and respect to their fellow human beings. Sexual orientation does not matter. It bothers me when people use God as an excuse to promote hatred of a group of people, for God never said that we should force all people to believe the same things. You cannot force a straight person to become a homosexual; why would you want to force a gay or lesbian person to behave in a manner against their natures by threatening them with damnation in Hell?

Sure, people may use biblical quotes to say that God hates homosexuals and wants them to burn in Hell, but one can use the Bible to prove anything if one looks hard enough. Plus, the Bible isn’t exactly the most up-to-date piece of literature out there. Things have changed a lot in society since the birth of Jesus, if you haven’t noticed.

Bottom line: God loves all people, no matter what lifestyle they choose because She is very accepting and forgiving. This newspaper’s Gay Pride month feature was an excellent idea, and I support homosexuals 100%

(NOTE: I don’t want to offend anyone who doesn’t believe in God, so I apologize if I did.)

Jessica A. White
Temple News Reporter
Journalism/French Major

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