Rev. James gives Temple a bad name

Given what we currently know about human sexuality, Reverend James (April 1 article) and his religious zealots who seek to use the church to manipulate the state and the constitution are simply wrong. They’re not

Given what we currently know about human sexuality, Reverend James (April 1 article) and his religious zealots who seek to use the church to manipulate the state and the constitution are simply wrong. They’re not wrong about their actions, rallies or press releases, but in their underlying basic assumption that homosexuality is a choice. Even then, he would defend protection of religious CHOICE that America was founded on, yet deny it for other choices. No one is born Christian, Muslim or Buddhist. They are chosen lifestyles. If he cannot support gay rights then he should also be against religious rights, especially given the separation of church and state he so willingly violates.

While some may choose to sublimate and hide this biological predisposition / tendency / trait – most cannot. In Rev. James’s day, many homosexual men attempted to do just that, living “straight” lives to please their families and society. Many ended up in joyless shams of marriage and had terrible relationships with themselves, their family, and others. How does this help society or strengthen the institution of marriage? Some killed themselves, but a lucky few, in the last few decades, have “come out” after decades of marriage with grown children and found happiness – to express and live the way they have felt since birth.

Sadly, the reverend and his ilk refute any of the new studies that illustrate there is a biological component to sexuality (mothers “know” before their child can even walk) – nature AND nurture. They must, otherwise their entire argument that gay rights are not about civil rights falls apart. While gayness, unlike skin color, can sometimes be hidden, why should it have to be? At what cost to the individual, the community and society? Why is skin bleaching still a major cosmetic industry? Being allowed to be happy with who you are and how you were born and being allowed to express that seems the goal of both movements.

Many gay youth have expressed the thought that they would change if they could to avoid the persecution, harassment, and hate – to the point of seeing suicide as the only way out. This sexuality conversion has never actually been done, not even in the religious re-education camps that claim to help homosexuals reorient, but simply end up being cruising opportunities to meet and date others. All they do is teach the art of repressive “passing” – something relevant to both cultures.

I challenge the Reverend to actually take a class (something he clearly has not done since he has no degrees yet claims to be a professor here at Temple) on human sexuality instead of preaching his outdated religious oppression in the classroom and in the headlines in our names. While he is allowed to profess his 1950’s view of reality, he should do so as a preacher, not a professor. The long road to getting a PhD requires a willingness to learn, something he has clearly shown he can not, will not, do. Our goal, as students, scholars, and teachers should be to help create happy, healthy humans – not forcing others to act against their nature nor discriminate against them for innate traits. We should hire (and fire) accordingly.

Non-professor James gives Temple a black eye when he fails to make clear that he is neither educated nor a representative of Temple’s diversity plans. I urge him to follow Part I, Article I of the Faculty Handbook:

“When (college and university teachers) speak or write as citizens, they… should remember that the public may judge their profession and their institution by their utterances. Hence they should at all times be accurate, should exercise appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions of others, and should make every effort to indicate that they are not speaking for the institution.”

Rev. James, do not speak for us. Do not attempt to use our good name to further your crusade. And do not try to sway others with your false credentials built upon our education. Spew your oppressive hate as a preacher, not as a Temple teacher.

Glenn Reitz
PhD student, African-American Studies

It disheartens me to learn we have professors here at Temple who discriminate against people. While saying that gays have not suffered on the same level which blacks have in America, Reverend Clarence James is enabling this same oppression over a different group of struggling human beings. The “immorality” he speaks of is subjective – civil rights is supposed to allow the same freedoms to everyone who lives in our diverse population. Homosexuality itself has not infringed on the constitutional freedoms of others, and the fact that Reverend James considers gays to be “unnatural” is sad, since this the same kind of label which has been associated with every civil rights movement in American history.

Freedom is the real “choice” here: If you are against gay marriage, Reverend, you are welcome to your opinion, but it is simply an opinion and not potential fodder for legislatures to take away basic human freedom.

Oh, and so you know, I am a heterosexual – just because I support equal rights for homosexuals does not mean I have to be gay.

Autumn Raniere
Film and Media Arts

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