Secrets to living well

After a long, cold winter, many people are left feeling its harsh effects. Now is the time to undo those winter blahs and feel rejuvenated. By investing some quality time in proper health and well

After a long, cold winter, many people are left feeling its harsh effects. Now is the time to undo those winter blahs and feel rejuvenated. By investing some quality time in proper health and well being, get ready to step into a new season with a fresh attitude, all while looking and feeling better.

The process starts with three most essential components of optimum health and fitness: sleep, exercise and diet.

It’s been said many times and will be repeated many more. Sleep is a crucial part of any healthy lifestyle and has invaluable health benefits. Getting the proper amount of sleep adds more energy and happiness to the day.

Despite the obvious benefits of sleep, many college students are sleep-deprived. This condition can have serious physical and mental effects. Along with possibly causing memory impairment and a decreased sense of alertness, sleep deprivation can also contribute to weight gain. Studies show that consistently getting less than 6 hours of sleep at night can significantly decrease metabolism by up to 40 percent. Everybody should strive for at least 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night.

Feeling tired and sluggish lately? Spending the day thinking about crawling back into bed after class? Consider shutting down the computer and turning off the lights a little earlier tonight.

For those who have difficulty falling asleep at night, reading can be a helpful remedy. Even – or, perhaps, especially – if it’s a boring history book, reading is relaxing and helps enable the body to doze off quicker.

Avoid stimulating activities like watching TV and listening to music before bed; they excite the senses and trick the brain into staying awake, even if the body is tired.

It is proven that more activity during the day leads to more sleepiness at night. Knowing the importance of exercise and how to do it right is imperative to good health.

Along with the obvious benefits of a healthier heart and a trimmer physique, exercise increases confidence and makes individuals feel better about themselves. Combining a cardio workout with a weight training routine for about 50 minutes, 3 days a week is a realistic way to improve fitness as well as fill those empty hours of the day.

Even with a busy schedule, remember a little exercise is worth it in the end. Even a short 20-minute workout will improve the mind and body.

People are tempted daily by sugar and sweets with zero nutritional value; these sweets actually do nothing but leave the eater feeling tired throughout the day. Eating right is crucial to being energized, as well as to maintaining healthy weight.

Another recommendation is to replace 2 or 3 larger meals with up to six small meals throughout the day; this will help maintain a high metabolism and retain energy.

Try to avoid simple carbohydrates like white bread, pasta and cakes. The body will quickly absorb the sugar in these foods, leading to a quick spike in blood-sugar levels, followed by a rapid drop. This leaves the body feeling sleepy, hungry and craving more sugar after just a few hours. Stick to whole-grain, high-fiber foods and be sure to get plenty of protein. Snacking on foods like apples, yogurt and nuts during the day will help to keep the energy levels high.

Follow these very basic guidelines for good health will pave the way to a new, healthier lifestyle. They are guaranteed to rejuvenate the body in time for a beautiful spring.

Gina Sicilia can be reached at

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