‘Show me the money’

With fall registration finally out of the way, now may be the perfect time to actually start looking and applying for the many scholarships that are offered to college students. Unfortunately, trying to search for

With fall registration finally out of the way, now may be the perfect time to actually start looking and applying for the many scholarships that are offered to college students.

Unfortunately, trying to search for the right scholarship can be a tedious process.

Writing essays about your life achievements and collecting recommendation letters from your professors can become frustrating for a student, but in the end they do have their rewards.

For some time now, Denise Connerty, director of International Programs, and Ruth Ost, co-director of University Honors, have been advising Temple students in applying for national and international scholarships.

They both know what it takes to get noticed by a scholarship foundation.

In addition, both agree that despite the fact that few students apply for these scholarships, Temple students do have a good chance at winning or at least at becoming finalists in these competitions.

“Temple students do have a chance to win scholarships because they are amazing and astounding,” said Ruth Ost enthusiastically.

“They are creative people with fascinating stories and lives that are diverse. It’s just getting them to apply,” she continued.

Sure scholarships can be a little intimidating, but there are some helpful hints that can make the process just a little bit easier and stress free.

Both Ost and Connerty provided these helpful hints.

For starters, try planning ahead of time when applying for a scholarship or two.

Many scholarships are due in advance, so planning a year ahead is always the wisest and safest choice.

Extracurricular activities, involvement in community programs and workshops, or becoming a part of a student government can also help distinguish yourself from the rest of the applicants of a scholarship.

“Scholarships are looking for people that are focused and directed,” said Connerty. “Extracurricular activities should show that they are heading in that direction.

An example would be if a student wanted to apply to study abroad in Japan, taking Japanese language classes and becoming a part of a club associated to this country would show a foundation that you are proving that this is what you are aiming and striving for.”

Perhaps the most important advice that both of these individuals can offered to all students is to get to know your professors.

After all, they are the ones that you will have to eventually ask to write you a recommendation letter.

“Professors cannot help you unless they know you,” said Ost.

“They like to give advice and have their students ask them questions.

You cannot win a scholarship without a recommendation and professors can help you, but you do have to show interest and let them get to know you first.”

Even though the scholarship application process for this year is over with, students are encouraged to get a head start and apply for the next upcoming year.

In fact, it is best to start right away, even before your summer vacation begins, because several of the upcoming deadlines for scholarships come as early as October.

To help get you started in the right direction in choosing a scholarship, there are many available resources for a student to choose from. Sources include the Peterson’s Guide To Scholarships, or the International Programs Department’s Resource Library, which is located in their waiting area on the second floor of Tuttleman.

Even the University of Minnesota’s Web site offers an assortment of international scholarships that a student can choose to apply for.

With all of these resources, two of the best close contact sources are Denise Connerty and Ruth Ost.

If you are interested in scholarships for either study or research outside of the United States, you can contact Connerty at study.abroad@temple.edu or www.temple.edu/studyabroad.

To get information about scholarships that are within the U.S., you can contact Ost at rost@temple.edu.

National Scholarship Suggestions:

Mellon Fellowship
Harry S. Truman Foundation

-For those interested in shaping and changing public policy
-Sponsored by the government

Morris K. Udall Scholarship
-For students involved in environmental issues
– For rising sophomores and juniors
– Deadline is in the spring

Gold Water
-For those who want a PhD in science

*If you have any questions or would like to learn more about these scholarships and more, go to the University Honors office located on the Second Floor of the Tuttleman Learning Center, Rm 202

International Scholarship Suggestions:

Fulbright Grants
-Enables students to study or conduct research at the graduate level in cover 100 countries around the world
-Applicants must be U.S. citizens and rising seniors

The Rhodes Scholarship
-Provides funding for two years of graduate study at Oxford University, England
-For rising seniors
– Must have a cumulative 3.7 GPA

St. Andrew Society of Philadelphia Scholarship
– For rising sophomores; applicants should be in their sophomore year of school
-Awards 5 $13,000 scholarships annually to students from local universities to spend one year at a Scottish University
– Minimum of a 3.0 GPA

Marshall Scholarships
-Provides two years of graduate study at any British University
– Applicants must be in their senior year and have a cumulative GPA of 3.7

Temple University Summer Program Grants
-For those students who are applying for a Temple University Summer Program abroad are also able to apply for scholarships in the amount of $500
– Students must have a GPA of 3.0
– Must be enrolled as a full-time student

*If you have any questions or would like to learn more about these and other scholarships, stop by the International Programs office located on the second floor of the Tuttleman Learning Center, Rm 200

Amber Grier can be reached at bluejay1a@temple.edu.

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