City Temple Libraries, Faculty Senate host talk with Larry Krasner 27 February 2022 Cassie Baylis The conversation was the first “Chat in the Stacks” of the spring semester.
elections Larry Krasner reelected as Philadelphia District Attorney 02 November 2021 Fallon Roth Krasner defeated Republican challenger Charles Peruto to win a second term with approximately 69 percent of the vote.
elections District Attorney candidates on their platform for local elections 24 October 2021 Fallon Roth Even in a primarily Democratic city, Republican Charles Peruto is running to unseat Incumbent Democrat Larry Krasner.
elections How to vote in the Nov. 2 general election 20 October 2021 Monica Constable The Temple News has compiled a list outlining how, when and where to vote.
News Tracking results from the Pennsylvania Primary Elections 19 May 2021 Fallon Roth The Temple News is tracking the winners of the May 18 PA and Philly primary elections.
Campus DA Larry Krasner visits Temple’s Main Campus 07 April 2019 Olivia O'Donnell Krasner discussed racial inequities in the criminal justice system during a panel discussion on Wednesday.
News Hupperterz defense arranges evidence in hearing one month before trial 10 December 2018 Grace Shallow Joshua Hupperterz’s statements to police before he was offered legal counsel will not be used to incriminate him.
Letters to the Editor Krasner is important for local resistance 16 June 2017 Letter Democratic district attorney candidate Larry Krasner’s progressive values oppose the policies of President Donald Trump.
News California Attorney General highlights Obama event at law school 03 November 2012 Laura Ordonez Kamala Harris urged attendees to increase voter turnout in their communities.
News Video creator won’t be charged 17 April 2012 Becky Kerner The district attorney won’t file charges for videos alluding to a threat against Temple. As the University of Pittsburgh grapples with a string of bomb threats, Temple has passed the April 10 date of what