elections Election winners 2020: Where results stand in North Central 04 November 2020 Amelia Winger Here is the latest update on the results of the 2020 general election for North Central voters.
elections Rep. Dwight Evans challenged by Michael Harvey in the 3rd District 27 October 2020 Amelia Winger Evans plans to address inequities in the healthcare system if re-elected, while Harvey would address unemployment in the 3rd congressional district.
News Obama discusses voting at North Philadelphia roundtable 21 October 2020 Jack Danz The former president addressed questions from community leaders and legislators ahead of a campaign event for Joe Biden.
elections Democrats representing constituents near Temple’s Main Campus win all contests 07 November 2018 Hal Conte Students watched the midterm election results come in at an event hosted by Temple’s Political Science Society on Tuesday.
elections Voter Guide: Midterms 2018 31 October 2018 The Temple News Everything you need to know about the upcoming midterm elections in North Philadelphia.
Multimedia TTN Video: Progress Plaza Ceremony 28 October 2009 [youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY7QwDo4qcY] Video by Sartaj Phanda Edited by Mari Saito