Opinion Update grades on Canvas 30 August 2022 Molly Fiske A student argues that professors must update Canvas grades instead of leaving students to calculate grades themselves.
Commentary Credit or no credit for all, not for one 17 November 2020 Maya Rahman Temple will allow students to choose one class for credit or no credit this semester, but a student argues others should be able to opt into this grading system for all classes.
Commentary Professors should be more timely with entering grades 28 March 2017 Jensen Toussaint It’s important for students to know how they are doing in a class to gauge their progress.
Features Following the curve 03 May 2010 Katelynn Hartman Some professors use different methods of grade curving, but students tend to like some techniques more than others.
News Got Grades? 03 March 2009 Students and professors differ in opinion about what is a fair grade. Some professors say students want the maximum grade for minimum effort.