News TSG to release student-wide Temple stadium survey 03 April 2018 Alyssa Biederman This is the first time students will be surveyed on a large scale about their opinions on the proposed stadium.
Development Mezzanine between Anderson, Gladfelter halls is removed 20 February 2018 Kiley Batenhorst The university will spend $2.6 million on the first phase of the mezzanine’s updates.
News $1 million trustee gift of fine art installed 19 September 2017 Will Bleier The fine art additions throughout the Student Center include work by Temple professors and alumni.
Breaking News Trustee nominated vice president of institutional advancement office 14 August 2017 Kelly Brennan The position became vacant last month when Jim Dicker left the university.
budget Campaign aims to raise $100 million 04 September 2012 John Moritz Fundraising effort targets alumni and friends of the university.