Sports Junior to travel for karate competition in Los Angeles 07 November 2017 Graham Foley Jason Roldan will represent Temple on Saturday and Sunday.
Around Campus In class, testing the waters 22 April 2014 Claire Sasko Students who are inexperienced swimmers can receive support in a kinesiology course.
News Student in ICU after hit-and-run 13 April 2010 Tony Foltz, 25, remains badly injured after the accident on 22nd Street and the Parkway.
News Working out change 06 April 2010 Architects and administrators will make major renovations to Pearson and McGonigle halls as part of the 20/20 plan.
Features Not just for jocks: Kinesiology majors work hard for degrees, too 21 October 2008 PHETE majors train to to teach, avoid physical education stereotype in classes