Students rally for a slew of causes at Occupy Philadelphia. Senior neuroscience major Rand Williamson traveled to New York to observe the Occupy Wall Street demonstration, on Sept. 30. The next day, he was arrested.
The Temple News continues its coverage of Occupy Philly. Their cries reverberated off the west wall of City Hall, through Dilworth Plaza and down through the subway station late into Friday evening. “Tell me what
Temple students made their presence at the start of Occupy Philadelphia. Since they started three weeks ago, the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations have spawned similar protests across the country, connecting Americans with a diverse list
At a second planning meeting last night, nearly 1,000 activists filled the United Methodist Church on Arch Street to determine the start of Occupy Philadelphia. Following in the footsteps of, and in solidarity with, Occupy
The NYC occupation is influencing similar Philadelphia plans for action by citizens. While most students were celebrating the start of the weekend or preparing for Temple’s football game, several Temple law students were boarding a