Campus Temple’s smokefree campus will save thousands of dollars 09 April 2019 Diana Cristancho Cigarettes damage environment and cost thousands to clean, a university task force reported.
News University weighs smoking bans 29 October 2013 Logan Beck Student smokers question feasibility and effectiveness of smoking bans.
Commentary Lai: Smoking policy enforcement insufficient 05 November 2012 Justin Lai Lai argues that Temple should better implement its current anti-smoking policies.
Commentary Tax may choke out smoking 24 March 2009 A 22-cent hike in federal cigarette taxes will make smoking even less fiscally responsible, which could make entrances to Temple buildings a little less smoky.
Opinion Editorial: Blow Smoke 30 September 2008 Editorial Board Temple doesn’t need a no-smoking policy. It does need to enforce its current rules.
Commentary Smoking ban should be enacted here 30 September 2008 The ban, which was enacted at all 14 state universities and colleges, would create a better atmosphere on Main Campus.
News Smoking ban affects 14 state schools 30 September 2008 Pennsylvania implemented the Clean Indoor Act, which affects campus policies.