Featured Stephanie Ives to serve as interim vice president of student affairs 11 January 2023 Devon Russell Ives arrived at Temple in 2008 and has overseen numerous student organizations, including Student Activities and New Student and Family Programs.
Breaking News Temple student dead, employee injured in alleged domestic violence incident 23 November 2021 Fallon Roth Katherine Kelemen, a College of Liberal Arts student, and Sheri Kelemen, a medical school employee, were the victims of the alleged Monday morning attack.
CORONAVIRUS Temple releases COVID-19 testing plan for spring 21 December 2020 Amelia Winger Students will be divided into one of five COVID-19 testing groups based on where they live and how frequently they use university in person resources.
Campus Temple implements opioid task force recommendations 01 October 2019 Issalina Sagad The university will likely not implement on-campus housing for students with substance use disorder.
News Friends, family raise $7,000 for sophomore who died Saturday 27 April 2019 Greta Anderson The university announced on Saturday afternoon that Ryan Tran died earlier that morning.
Campus Temple health officials continue response to mumps outbreak 12 March 2019 Grace Shallow There are currently 10 confirmed and an additional five probable cases of the mumps on Main Campus.
Campus Temple’s opioid task force delivers recommendations 12 March 2019 Diana Cristancho Temple’s opioid task force stopped meeting and made recommendations in December.
Breaking News Temple offers $1.5 million in scholarships for first-generation students 18 February 2019 Will Bleier The Broad Street Finish Line scholarship will show preference to Philadelphians.
Faculty Temple professor dedicated to fighting addiction in Philadelphia 05 February 2019 Will Amari Jerry Stahler, a 34-year faculty member, has dedicated his time to researching addiction.
News Temple Police investigate messages containing racial slurs 13 March 2018 Kelly Brennan This is the latest reported racial incident this academic year.