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Temple Tweets

People have their own perspectives on the word “global.” Some might think about traveling “Eat Pray Love”-style, some Debbie Downers might think about global warming and people like me might think of the size of

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Temple Tweets

Today I will clink my coffee mug full of wine against my computer to toast a very special occasion. I am proud to say that I will be celebrating my longest successful relationship. Of course,

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Temple Tweets

Sometimes when you really listen to a song’s lyrics, you have a little epiphany that someone translated something you feel into words. That is exactly how I feel about FML.* Who said it first? Can

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Temple Tweets

After a sexless summer, Samantha Krotzer takes a bite into her saving graces: “True Blood” and tweeters. Hi, tweeters. I’m back. Thank God about that because this summer blew – figuratively, not literally. You’ll understand

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Temple Tweets

Tweeters, we’ve reached the 140th character of the semester. Instead of downloading an application that allows my tweets to extend the limit, I will leave it at this: Thanks for laughing with me, or at me. As long as someone is laughing, I am content.

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Temple Tweets

I’ve let everyone down. For months, I have added “twit” onto words, referenced hash tags and basically made love to Twitter with my words. But I left something out. How could I ever forget trending topics? And I call myself a Twitter enthusiast. SMH.

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Temple Tweets

Twitter is under attack. The enemy is like nothing I have ever seen before. He is small, sports a shaggy haircut and has a potty mouth for a boy who hasn’t even hit puberty yet.

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People You Should Know

Temple Tweets

There is a fine line between love and obsession. I just have a big heart because when I love something, I really love it. I hold nothing back. When I can’t have what I love, I have no problem calling repetitively and using my Web-searching skills to find out what the hell is going on.

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People You Should Know

Temple Tweets

It is pretty obvious most people are self-absorbed, and I am afraid Twitter has become an outlet for the arrogant. I really don’t like to preach because I want to sock it to people who tell me to do things their way. But since I am the Twitter expert, I have earned the right to say a lot of people are making a mockery of my Internet companion.