netsweat.com workout.com justmove.org fitness.philly.com Spring has arrived. In only a matter of a few months a certain season will approach. Only three words are needed to describe this dreaded time: “bathing suit season.” That’s why


Spring has arrived. In only a matter of a few months a certain season will approach. Only three words are needed to describe this dreaded time: “bathing suit season.”

That’s why now is a good time as any to get in shape and burn off a few calories. A fitness routine, a plan of action, is the key to getting fit and buff for the beach.

Aiming for a washboard stomach? Want sexy abs? Then workout.com may provide the fitness routine to accomplish your goal. The site claims to contain over 1,000 professionally designed workout programs.

Programs are custom tailored to burn calories for bikini time, and for increasing cardiovascular endurance. At the site you can also learn how to increase muscle size, decrease body fat, and work on virtually any problematic area of the body.

Color photographs demonstrate how to perform the various exercises. Another attractive feature is the models on the home page. The washboard stomach of one particular model could not have been achieved in merely three weeks, yet the site features an abdomen exercise regimen lasting three weeks. No doubt it will take more than a month to achieve this six pack stomach.

Workout.com also contains a newsletter filled with interesting fitness facts. Healthy recipes are also provided for that overwhelming post-workout hunger.

Netsweat.com, on the other hand, gets one-on-one with its visitors. At the site you can correspond through e-mail with a personal trainer. Cathe Friedrich, a step-aerobics teacher for the past 19 years, provides health advice.

The fitness plan that netsweat.com features is comprehensive, ranging from the basics to nutrition to aerobics. Links to sites on specific sports, such as swimming and weightlifting provide more specific information on a particular activity. For instance, the “weightlifting” link has articles on how to “Add 20-40 pounds to your bench press” and “30 Lies about Body Building.”

If even more personal attention is needed, then a visit to justmove.org may be more useful. Personal goals and progress can be recorded in an online exercise diary, which will be responded to with feedback from personal trainers.

While this site contains less exercise routines and information than the previous sites, the tidbits of fitness knowledge are particularly amazing for the health-conscious. For instance, did you know that only “1 in 10 Americans follows a consistent exercise program,” or that chicken soup is not just good for colds, but also can be good for your heart?

The only downside to this site, as well as the previous ones is that for full access to all information it is necessary to register with the site, which can take time.

If more localized fitness information is what you are in search of, then fitness.philly.com will work well. The site is not all that unique but there is a database of over “275 clubs within a 25-mile radius of
Philadelphia,” which may come in handy.

Also, can working out be too much of a good thing? Find out in a featured article entitled, “Gym Addiction.”

The stores are currently putting out that summer swimwear. Finish reading Temple News, check out a few fitness regimens online, and then get over to the
IBC pronto. Your body will thank you for it.

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