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Letter to the Editor

I would like to take issue with a letter to the editor submitted by Dawn Dneaster in last week’s “Temple News.” Dawn makes the same assertions that I have heard from many fanatical hawks over

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What did you think?

On Sept. 12, 2002, President George Bush went before the United Nations to ask for support for his intentions to send troops into Iraq. Since then Mr. Bush has continued to lobby for support both

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And the winner is…

Students’ eyes roll while reeling after the strenuous test of finding the latest textbook and successfully clearing the buzzing checkout lane. Finally free from the sounds of register receipts, credit cards swipes and murmurs of,

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MOVE needs A new strategy

For 11 years, the radical, anti-government organization MOVE has been relatively quiet. No profane messages broadcast over a loudspeaker. No bunkers or stockades on their rooftop. Instead MOVE has been crashing the system through lectures