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Draft rumors are bunk

It’s a word that has been whispered on the Internet, college campuses, and even in the media, striking panic and misapprehension in the minds of young adults — specifically those between the ages of 18

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Expressing his talent

Hearing the words of the song Gethsemane from the rock musical Jesus Christ Superstar, a shy seventh grader’s love and talent for music was unleashed. In the audience, Nick Teti, currently a senior communications major

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Free speech protects lies

An election without lies is not an election at all; such is common opinion among Americans. Little has been made of the idea, but why not force politicians to be responsible for their honesty legally?

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Biased Funding

When registering to vote this year, students were encouraged to align themselves as conservative, liberal, or none of the above. But recently, voter involvement drives have taken a turn for the partisan – and Temple