Hey, Temple football fans (I know you’re out there), a little perplexed as to where your team might be in two years? Don’t worry. You’re likely not the only fan in the country who isn’t
“The next Miss Black U.S.A. is…” These are the words Temple senior and business law major Kimberly Whittaker looks forward to hearing in this year’s summer pageant in Washington, D.C. After winning the Miss Black
Editorial cartoonist for the Philadelphia Daily News, Signe Wilkinson lectured to prof. Diane Bones’ writing humor class on Tuesday and discussed her art and how she discovered her occupation. Wilkinson began by recounting her recent
“Attention students: The big game is this weekend, *crackle* and I would like to remind everyone not to turn over cars, *crackle* dangle upside down from lampposts or set random things on fire…” Dean of
Even though it has been one of the coldest, snow-covered winters in recent memory, a blanket of green has enveloped Main campus. No, an unseasonable warm spell has not melted away the foot of snow
Defense attorney T.R. Paulding opposes the death penalty, but he has spent the past year convincing the Supreme Court to execute his client as soon as possible. His client, Michael Bruce Ross, is a former
The Democratic Party is at a crossroads. They have suffered big defeats, both in presidential and congressional elections. In the rehash party, leaders are trying to figure out what went wrong and how to fix
Do you not listen when spoken to? Do you often avoid, dislike, or prove reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort? Are you often “on the go” or have difficulty waiting your
Two-time all-American Nyika White received one of the top scores at the West Point Open last Saturday on rings, but the honor didn’t come without controversy. White placed first among collegiate competitors, but did not
Several weeks ago, an anonymous U.N. official called America’s initial $15 million donation to tsunami relief “stingy.” Perhaps as a reaction to this statement or perhaps in response to the increasing body count, the United