Let’s play 20 questions. No really. It’ll be fun. Topic: your most private sexual information. Please try to answer as accurately as possible, as your answers could have life altering consequences. You saw what happened
He was called the Man in Black and was one of the most influential musicians and songwriters of the past century. For decades Johnny Cash has touched people’s hearts with his terrific songs of life
It’s a form of artistic expression that has plagued major metropolitan areas for decades. The swirls, the colors, the images, even down to the finite locations – every aspect of graffiti is unique to the
There aren’t many who would deny a South American revolutionary his right to abhor the U.S. government. Examples abound of American intervention in the growing democracies of the continent south of ours, often after leftist
Racial and ethnic relations are a pressing issue on a global scale and can be as volatile abroad as in the United States. Throughout history, America has been through many racial and ethnic atrocities. Americans
Fashion today is like sports. It involves competition, aggression and talent. Each person wants to wear a cuter outfit than the next. But no one can even be a part of the game if he
Vibe Live, an event that will feature music, art and poetry, will be held Wednesday, Nov. 16, at 9 p.m. at World Cafe Live, which is located on 3025 Walnut St. The main purpose of
Sitting through the movie Shopgirl was similar to reading the book: it seemed like a good idea at the time, but after the first five minutes, boredom waned in and the premise lost its momentum.
I am such a fattie. At least I can say now I’m a 20-year-old fattie, since Monday was my birthday (I wish I was allowed to use exclamation points). My celebration started last Tuesday, when