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The difficult road of recruiting

It’s the dream of every high school athlete. As they stand before friends, family, teammates and coaches, they prepare themselves to make one of the biggest decisions of their lives. They are faced with a

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Women's Basketball

Going to Maryland

All was quiet. Heads were low. Hearts were beating. Players were nervous and scared. You’d be able to hear a pin drop if it wasn’t for the blaring noise of the speakers. Then, it flashed

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Dad: you’re Dylan to me

Dear Dad, I always thought it was strange that you never really dug Bob Dylan. Especially because a major quality of his music, for me, was how he was reminiscent of you. I thought that

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Love and cash needed at Temple Hospital

A few weeks ago around 8 p.m. on Wednesday, I found myself in Temple University Hospital’s emergency room with two roommates and a sick friend. While waiting to see the doctors, a middle-aged woman wandered