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In his 15-part series, Matt Flocco gives freshmen a slice of wisdom each week. This year, I’m in charge of a group of students who volunteer at a high school right off the Erie Broad

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People you should know

Introducing Ralph Young Professor Ralph Young has been a lot of things in his life, including a teacher, author, protester and historian. Nowadays, due to his relentless study of the history of dissent in America,

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College fashion

Websites such as College Fashionista make up-and-coming trends accessible to young fashionistas and fashionistos. In the past, people glossed through major magazines like “Vogue” or “Harper’s BAZAAR” for the latest fashion trends worn by picture-perfect

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SFS Disconnet

Communication has to be a two-way street when it comes to student finances. It is no surprise that the majority of students at Temple share the same sentiment that Student Financial Services isn’t providing the