
You can contact the Editorial Board through email at temple_news@hotmail.com or hitting the submissions button on the left. Regarding editorial, “Temple: The real deal Dear Board of Editors: You wrote a very stupid editorial that

You can contact the Editorial Board through email at temple_news@hotmail.com or hitting the submissions button on the left.

Regarding editorial, “Temple: The real deal
Dear Board of Editors:

You wrote a very stupid editorial that makes you look stupid. Why do you even attend Temple? If you think the education is “outdated,” then why did you not figure that out before you decided to go. Your point about the bookstore is correct, but tell me a school that offers bargain books? Want good salad — go to Temple Salad. Temple has really good food options. I miss them now that I am working in a suburban office park.

You should realize that anywhere in life you will encounter situations like the financial aid office. I hated the bureaucracy at Temple when I first arrived and tried to fight it head on, but I soon learned great lessons. Be nice to the right people and it gets very simple. By my senior year, I knew the system — the best times to go to an office and treat the employees cordially — no matter the scowl on their faces sometimes. I now thank Temple’s bureaucracy for improving me as a person.

Were you just having a bad day? Every school has its problems. Ask any Drexel student (I go part time) — and they are paying three times what Temple students pay. I like my job now, but I miss the good life at Temple and am proud of choosing Temple. I think you will be eventually. Even if it was sugarcoated, it was nice to see the Inquirer article praising Temple. That happens only every million years.

Henrik Swanljung
BA 1999

Regarding Frank Brown’s column “The profit of national tragedy”
Dear Board of Editors:

I find it quite ironic that Frank tells people not to listen to something that offends them (his previous column about Howard Stern); yet the moment something offends HIM he says that it should be banned. I’ll give Frank some of his own advice: if something offends you, look the other way.

He goes on to say how offensive it is that people are making money off of a national loss. What about people like Howard Stern that are making money off of degrading comments about women and women’s rights?


Sean Petree

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