The Temple News typically holds general interest meetings once a semester. Pick up an issue of The Temple News or check for updates.

Welcome to The Temple News!

Congratulations on making the first step to become a writer for The Temple News. Our paper reaches all members of the Temple University community through our website and the 2,000 issues we distribute every other Tuesday.

The Job

The Temple News is always looking for talented, dedicated writers to join the staff. No prior experience is necessary, and there is no application process for becoming a freelance writer. TTN is not major specific – we have more than journalism majors write for us, and we prefer it that way.

To begin writing, contact the editors of the sections you’re interested in writing for.  A full staff list can be found here.  Send an e-mail, asking them to add you to their freelancer list. It’s that simple. We’re self-starters at TTN, and we want you to be, too.

You can pick up articles whenever you’d like.  There’s no commitment until you pick one up, but the more you write, the better your chances to become a salaried staff member. Every article or photo published earns you $15. This includes our print and online product.

All writers and photographers must sign our freelancer contract in order to get paid. Talk to your section editor about completing the form and contact our business manager Daivik Bewtra ( for any questions about freelancer payments.

The Newsroom

The Temple News is located in Room 243 of the Student Center.

We want to hear from you!

Have more questions? Contact, and one of our editors will return your e-mails soon. Or, stop by the newsroom and introduce yourself.  Knock on the door – odds are someone will answer.

We look forward to meeting you and having you work with us!

Want to Join Our Advertising Team?

Help sell ads that’ll be featured in the The Temple News’ print issue, online site and social media platforms by working as a sales representative for our paper. It’s a great way to gain business and advertising experience, and all sales reps earn 15% commission on all advertisements sold. Contact our advertising managers Lolade Kola-Adewuyi and Matthew Eaton at to join our team.