Commentary STEM faculty: Teach herstory in courses 16 March 2021 Julia Merola A student argues Temple professors should be inclusive of women’s history in lesson plans.
Commentary Temple: Combat xenophobia through education 16 March 2021 Maya Rahman A student urges Temple to provide anti-racist information amid nation-wide xenophobia.
Commentary Every Temple college should have a ‘relief week’ 02 March 2021 Christina Mitchell A student argues other schools should give students a week off like the College of Engineering.
Commentary Spring break is canceled and so is your vacation 02 March 2021 Maya Rahman A student encourages others not to travel this week despite the temptation of warm beaches.
Commentary Don’t abandon masks because you’re vaccinated 02 March 2021 Christina Mitchell A student urges others who are vaccinated to follow protocol and protect unvaccinated people.
Commentary Students can stop the variants by getting vaccinated 16 February 2021 Christina Mitchell A student argues that eligible students should be vaccinated to slow down COVID-19 mutations.
Commentary Stop enforcing professionalism during a pandemic 16 February 2021 Maya Rahman A student argues professionalism on Zoom during a pandemic is unnecessary and classist.
Commentary Raising the minimum wage helps essential workers 16 February 2021 Ryan Zajdel A student argues President Biden should gradually raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
Commentary Valentine’s Day is a celebration of greed, not love 14 February 2021 Monica Mellon A student argues Valentine’s Day is a capitalistic and heteronormative holiday that idolizes straight couples spending money.
Commentary Pennsylvania should model Philly’s inclusive health care 02 February 2021 Allison Nikles A student argues that Philadelphia has done a good job advancing LGBTQ health care, and the rest of the state should follow suit.