Commentary Supporting local dining options is still imperative 03 November 2020 Allison Nikles A student argues others should help Reading Terminal Market and other small businesses.
Commentary Student feedback data should be more explicit 03 November 2020 Maryam Siddiqui A student argues Data for Students should be more specific so students can use it as a guide.
Commentary Take both the flu and COVID-19 seriously 26 October 2020 Christina Mitchell A student looks back on a column she wrote eight months ago saying influenza is more dangerous than COVID-19 and now argues the opposite opinion.
Commentary Republicans are hypocrites for filling Justice seat so soon 26 October 2020 Madison Seitchik A student argues it is hypocritical for Republicans to fill Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat just days before the election.
Commentary Halloween isn’t canceled this year — parties are 20 October 2020 Camillia Benjamin A student encourages others to get in the spooky spirit of Halloween, even if they can’t go out.
Commentary Climate change will still be here after COVID-19 20 October 2020 Madison Seitchik A student argues not to forget Earth’s perpetual predicament after the pandemic is over.
Commentary Students shouldn’t be discouraged to vote by COVID-19 06 October 2020 Christina Mitchell A student encourages others to vote next month, whether by mailing in a ballot or going to the polls.
Commentary President Trump’s justice pick sets the country backwards 06 October 2020 Maya Rahman A student argues President Trump is rushing the nomination of a Supreme Court justice.
Commentary Sexual assault is too broad to solve with a training module 06 October 2020 Monica Mellon A student argues Temple’s annual sexual assault prevention training is not comprehensive.
Columns Don’t fall for Trump’s rhetoric against Black Lives Matter 22 September 2020 Monica Mellon A student argues Black Lives Matter is a peaceful movement, despite President Donald Trump’s claims.