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Campus Insecurity

Security guards employed by Temple University and those on contract from SpectraGuard posted at the entrances to campus buildings are there to check IDs. ID checks in part provide for safety in classrooms by helping

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Aries (March 21-April 19). You’re lucky through the middle of the week, so don’t procrastinate. Take care of a personal matter with a partner or attorney on Monday and Tuesday. Pay a big bill on

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Movie Review: 28 Days

Sandra Bullock is everyone’s dream girl. Men want to date her and women want to be like her. Whenever movies starring her come out, people rush to theaters to see her beautiful personality on the

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Temple has quite a few desirable things other schools don’t have– real diversity, a basketball team (and coach) to get excited about every year, fine food trucks, a real world campus, for instance. We don’t,