Former students honor band director for 40 years of service

Members of the Mirage Bowl Band reunited to honor their leader, who still teaches Temple students today.

Members from the original Temple Mirage Bowl Band crowded into the Diamond Club in the lower level of Mitten Hall on Saturday. They gathered to honor their former band director, Arthur Chodoroff, for his 40 years of service as a music educator at Temple.

The band was originally a part of the university’s Diamond Marching Band, which traveled to Japan in 1977 with the football team to promote American football.

The reunion was organized by Steve Klugman, a member of the band.

Klugman said the reunion allowed members to see their fellow band mates after 30 years and honor Chodoroff, who is still teaching Temple music students.

“We love him,” said Klugman before presenting Chodoroff with a plaque for his 40 years of service at Temple.

The group made a song with the lyrics “We’ll follow the C-man wherever he goes” to show their love and affection.

David Winnard, a Temple alumnus, said Chodoroff created a reputable program at Roxborough High School before coming to Temple. It was this program that made him, want to study under Chodoroff leadership.

“We all felt band kind of saved our lives,” Winnard said. “We wouldn’t have been able to survive Temple without the band.”

“I can’t tell you how thankful I am to be here today,” Chodoroff said. “They’re 30 fast years.
“This is a very important class for me because the year we went to Japan was my first year as band director.”

He added that many members of the alumni band have children who study at Temple’s music department as well.

It was clear at the reunion the former students, some of whom traveled great distances to attend, love and respect their former band director.

“He was in charge but we knew that we could count on him,” said Bob Sharmatue, who studied with Chodoroff for two years at Temple prior to the Japan trip.

“I wouldn’t have missed this.”

Caitlin Fitzgerald can be reached at

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