Rain-out still poses threat for festivities

Heavy rain forced the campus-wide carnival to be postponed, but weather remains a concern tomorrow, as well.

Due to weather problems, Temple’s annual Spring Fling, organized by Main Campus Program Board, has been postponed until tomorrow.

MCPB President Tiffany Thompson said it is up to the administration when Spring Fling is held.

“MCPB does not actually decide when and why it’s canceled or postponed. The administration gets to decide that,” said Thompson, a senior kinesiology major.

Though the official date of Spring Fling was postponed, many events still occurred.

“A lot of other things go on, just the date of Spring Fling itself was postponed until the following Wednesday,” Thompson said.

Weather services have predicted scattered showers for Wednesday, as well. Thompson said MCPB is not sure what it will do if it rains again. A backup plan has not been established yet.

“That has yet to be determined,” she said. “Once we know, we’ll certainly let the student body know.”

Many students were unsure why Spring Fling was pushed back an entire week instead of moved to last Thursday or Friday.

“I’m not sure why it’s on another Wednesday instead of [on Thursday],” said freshman business major Alexis Canary.
She said she was disappointed Spring Fling was not on April 15 because she made other plans the following Wednesday.

“It’s harder for the Temple Police to actually control the campus,” Thompson said, explaining why the administration does not want to hold Spring Fling close to the weekend.

Due to the large volume of people, Thompson said things are less likely to get out of hand if the event is during the week.

“The administration is not fond of it being on a Thursday or Friday,” she said. “It’s harder for the Temple Police to really handle the campus because there will be such a large amount of people there. They’d rather have it on a Wednesday.”

Thompson said it is very unlikely Spring Fling will be held on a Thursday again, but Temple has held it on Thursdays before.

“My freshman year, [Spring Fling] was on a Thursday. I know the Temple Police had a lot of issues with underage-drinking. A lot more than if it was held on the previous day,” Thompson said.

Regardless of the date change, the itinerary for Spring Fling will remain the same except for a few minor changes.

“Everything is still the same,” she said. “The only thing we had to change was we had a digital caricaturist and digital T-shirt making, but because of booking flights, we couldn’t switch that to the 22nd, so they actually did come out on the 15th, but we had to move them to the atrium.”

Spring Fling will be on Liacouras Walk from Montgomery Avenue to Norris Street, 13th Street from Montgomery Avenue to Norris Street and Berks Mall from Liacouras Walk to 12th Street, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. tomorrow.

“No matter what day Spring Fling’s on,” Thompson said, “everyone will have a good time.”

Valerie Rubinsky can be reached at valerie.rubinsky@temple.edu.

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