Opinion How I took my body back 12 March 2019 Madison Seitchik A student writes about how being sexually assaulted influenced herself and future relationships.
Commentary R. Kelly chose the ‘most disrespected’ people 15 January 2019 Alvira Bonsu The musician got away with sexual abuse for decades because Black women are oversexualized.
News Students ‘talk frankly’ about abuse 10 November 2009 Sergei Blair An NBC10 anchor and local abuse shelter education coordinator teamed up to discuss dating violence and domestic abuse at a campus event.
News Study: history of violence leads to poor overall health for women 17 March 2009 Researchers recently discovered older African-American women with a history of ongoing violence in their lives are more prone to suffer from poor overall health than males. “Typically, younger women are healthier,” said assistant professor of
Commentary Abuse is easier to find than shelter 17 March 2009 In Guatemala, women’s options when suffering from abuse are limited, but their courage should inspire abuse victims.