Commentary Juul: Stop advertising to children, young adults 10 March 2020 Christina Mitchell Thirty-nine states are investigating Juul’s advertisements on popular children’s websites.
Letters to the Editor Response to “Anti-tobacco ban infringes on individual liberties” 03 December 2019 Letter An assistant professor at the College of Public Health offers her support for Temple University’s tobacco-free campus policy.
Editorials Temple’s tobacco-free policy is just a pipe dream 02 April 2019 Editorial Board The University’s smoke-free policy will not end tobacco use among students.
Commentary Banning smoking is illogical 17 October 2017 Christina Mitchell The university shouldn’t implement policies that make decisions for students and faculty.
Around Campus A ‘combination of factors’ sustains smoking on Main Campus 17 October 2017 Maureen Iplenski A professor said rates of smoking among college students are often twice as high as that of the overall U.S. adult population.
Commentary Lauren Hertzler: Butts out 25 January 2011 Lauren Hertzler Smokers should respect their peers’ lungs and smoke in the properly designated areas on Main Campus. Will there ever be a day when someone can walk to class and not lose a lung on the
News Green fee may help clean smoker trash 20 October 2009 Students and the Office of Sustainability say Main Campus faces an overflow of cigarette butt trash.
Features Too broke to smoke? 01 September 2008 Freshmen must decide whether to dish dollars on cigarettes or academics.