Around Campus The Temple Women’s Network takes off 24 March 2015 Claire Sasko A new alumnae organization holds frequent networking events for women.
Around Campus For service dogs, a rightful treat 17 March 2015 Claire Sasko Two Temple officers were recognized at a K9 Veterans’ Day Celebration.
Around Campus Student veterans respond to proposed legislation 24 February 2015 Claire Sasko Steven Barrar’s HB 131 aims to increase veterans’ access to in-state tuition.
Features Student uses 21st birthday as a chance to give back 20 January 2015 Claire Sasko Lorae Bonamy organized a project called 21 Days of Love.
Around Campus Retired and strengthening the mind 20 January 2015 Claire Sasko Winnings from a video contest could be life changing for a mother of four.
Events Team SOBO continued work in Oman 13 January 2015 Claire Sasko Team SOBO traveled to Oman from Dec. 16 until Jan. 11 for bioarchaeology training.