Commentary Body types should never be trending 27 March 2023 Valeria Uribe With heroin chic back in style, a student argues body trends and extreme weight loss methods are harmful.
Opinion Unlearning beauty standards with body neutrality 13 September 2022 Rosamelia Sanchez Lara A student describes her journey from struggling to accept her body to embracing it.
Opinion New ink and new perspectives symbolize personal growth 07 December 2021 Samantha Brennan A student describes her relationship with self-love through the meaning behind her new tattoo.
Holiday How Ramadan reminds me to appreciate my body 13 April 2021 Haajrah Gilani A student reflects on how Ramadan encourages her to seek a healthier relationship with food.
Events Artists express struggles with eating disorders through exhibit 24 February 2021 Samantha Brennan Temple’s Wellness Resource Center hosted the show in partnership with the Renfrew Center of Philadelphia on Monday.
Holiday Students talk holiday stress and eating disorders 19 January 2021 Jennifer Pennise Large amounts of food, family comments and a shift in routine during break caused distress.
The Essayist Fighting body dysmorphia through my food blog 28 September 2020 Christina Mitchell A student discusses how she used Instagram as a recovery tool to overcome an eating disorder.
Commentary Diet culture promotes dangerous relationship with food 26 March 2020 Brittany Valentine Trendy diets reinforce a morality narrative around food that can lead to an increased risk of developing an eating disorder.
Opinion On anorexia, insecurities and finding my support 25 February 2020 Lubin Park A student shares their lifelong experience with anorexia nervosa and negative self-image.
Personal Essays Becoming a cycling instructor helped me recover from my eating disorder 03 March 2019 Sarah Madaus The REFINE Editor-in-Chief writes about finding an escape from college stressors and eating disorder tendencies by becoming a cycling instructor.