Commentary Women’s health care is essential 24 January 2017 Zari Tarazona Congress’ plan to defund Planned Parenthood puts women’s health at risk.
Commentary EpiPen prices spike, consumers lose out 06 September 2016 Christian Matozzo High EpiPen prices and insufficient options to reduce these costs are hurting consumers.
Features People you should know 05 December 2011 Priscilla Ward Introducing Betty Long. Betty Long is committed to helping people get the care they deserve, despite the current overhaul of the healthcare system. Long founded–and is now the president of–Guardian Nurse Healthcare Advocates in 2003.
News Bill means care for grads 06 April 2010 Andy Whitlatch A provision in the health care reform bill will grant health care to children and young adults until age 26, regardless of their academic status.
News Legislation overhauls student aid 06 April 2010 As part of healthcare reform, student loans will become direct.