Personal Essays ‘Still, I thrive’: Finding my Temple amid tragedy 06 October 2020 Kendall Stephens A student activist reflects on facing adversity and reaffirms her commitment to advocacy.
Commentary Prohibit hair discrimination, pass CROWN Act 04 February 2020 Raven Lawson A Pennsylvania lawmaker introduced the bill to the House of Representatives last December.
Commentary Legislators: close the wage gap 18 April 2017 Basia Wilson Politicians must discuss the wage gap and create legislation to help combat wage inequity.
Commentary Extend juvenile court’s jurisdiction 11 April 2017 Zachary Jacobs Young adults have not fully developed decision-making skills so they shouldn’t serve lengthy sentences.
Commentary Forced treatment helps no one 21 March 2017 Adrian Corbey Involuntary treatment for people suffering from addiction violates individual rights.
Commentary Remove marijuana from Schedule I, legalize nationally 25 October 2016 Matt Rego The drug does not meet the criteria to remain banned.
Commentary Web users should be aware of future legislation 23 January 2012 Kierra Bussey While the proposed SOPA bill has been tabled, it is important to maintain independence of government control via the Internet. At some point, most of us have been guilty of downloading content hosted on a