Opinion Teaching myself to stop “laughing it off” 24 October 2021 Samantha Brennan A student describes their experience with sexual harassment in the workplace.
News Temple begins addressing Auditor General’s recommendations 10 June 2021 Fallon Roth and Monica Constable The university established working groups to make improvements to Temple’s processes surrounding employee background checks and sexual harassment training.
News Auditor General report recommends Temple improves on employee background checks, sexual harassment training 29 April 2021 Fallon Roth The audit provides 20 recommendations in total to the university.
Commentary Sexual assault prevention is not victim blaming 30 March 2021 Sarah Weitzman A student argues sexual assault prevention language perpetuates rape culture in college.
Opinion Learning it’s not my fault 28 April 2020 Pavlína Černá A student reflects on experiences with sexual assault and coming to learn that she is not to blame.
Opinion Taking my body back: One year later 27 March 2020 Madison Seitchik A student reflects on the anniversary of publishing an essay on her past sexual assaults.
Opinion My body is mine: It isn’t a toy 18 March 2020 Antonia Leao A student details feelings of powerlessness after experiencing sexual harassment over spring break.
Opinion I’m your server, not your sweetheart 14 January 2020 Gabrielle Houck A student working as a waitress details experiences with sexual harassment in the food industry.
News Officials offer anonymous misconduct reporting 20 February 2018 Julia Boyd The university began using an anonymous reporting system last semester to report instances of sexual misconduct.
Editorials Grow campus resources 17 October 2017 Editorial Board The university should expand its resources for survivors of sexual assault beyond WOAR.