Featured Temple students, alumni reflect on Biden’s successes and failures in loan debt relief 30 April 2024 Sidney Rochnik While Biden has canceled billions in student loan debt, it hasn’t reached the extent or demographic many students originally thought.
Featured Temple, professors, and students comment on Biden’s student debt plans 30 August 2022 Maddie Sterner Temple students graduate with an average of $24,437 in federal student loans.
Events Students attend discussion on college debt 07 March 2021 Matthew Aquino Faculty members Richard Deeg and Sara Goldrick-Rab led a “teach-in” about student loan debt, the cost of college and government support for higher education.
Politics PA Promise bill could fund low-income student tuition 12 February 2019 Colin Evans PA Promise would offer more than $7,000 per year to eligible students, but does not outline a funding source.
Campus Student debt and food insecurity town hall calls on students to advocate for change 18 January 2019 Hal Conte The Hope Center hosted politicians and financial experts on Wednesday, who said student loans and living standards are at crisis-level.
Research College is a financial risk, says Temple economist 23 October 2018 Colin Evans An economics professor analyzed the financial risks associated with college.
News Theobald: Football stadium in ‘serious discussion’ 20 November 2013 Sean Carlin Theobald said that a potential on-campus stadium is in “serious discussion.”
Events A fight for an education 19 June 2013 Erin Edinger-Turoff Ryan Francis attempts to combat student debt with an online fundraiser this summer after having to support his family while his father was ill.
budget Seven schools slightly up tuition despite freeze 04 September 2012 Khoury Johnson Some colleges, schools must up tuition to operate specialty programs.
budget Campaign aims to raise $100 million 04 September 2012 John Moritz Fundraising effort targets alumni and friends of the university.