1-TRIP Ah, the convenience!

Warning to undergrads: Due to some rather unfortunate circumstances five undergrads find themselves on the corner of Girard and Broad at 12:30 A.M. Not wanting to walk several blocks past unlit alleys and further unsafe

Warning to undergrads:
Due to some rather unfortunate circumstances five undergrads find themselves on the corner of Girard and Broad at 12:30 A.M. Not wanting to walk several blocks past unlit alleys and further unsafe obstacles, we decided to stand on the well lit corner and call 1-trip: Temple’s shuttle that will pick you up practically anywhere (except when you really need it). We called thinking it would take approximately five to ten minutes to get us and then we would be safe on campus.
Within the first ten minutes of acceptable waiting time we were already sexually harassed (I’m going to shove my big black 11 inch cock in your fat ass) and had our lives threatened but were spared “because there was a guy with us” (for some reason having a male spared the rest of us females from being assaulted at least from this particular gentleman).
Literally after watching a drug deal we called the shuttle again, thinking it must be right around the corner, and were told it would be there in about five minutes. After more harassment: “what are you pale faces in my side of the neighborhood”, we called yet again. This time we asked if we could wait in one of the seemingly more safe well-lit restaurants, but we were told by the operator that the shuttle would just drive by and even if we were on the corner we might have to chase it down. This went on for quite a while.
Now at this point you might wonder why we did not hail a cab. The answer is simple: in the heat of the moment we really believed that this shuttle was right around the corner. We were consistently told that the shuttle was within five minutes of us. After finally being offered two hundred and fifty dollars “to become the head of a company” an obvious sexual advance, we finally had enough. On our final call with 1-TRIP we broke down crying. Finally the operator admitted that there were other calls that had been placed ahead of us and the shuttle was not right around the corner. This was after an hour of calling. When asked why the shuttle does not prioritize and get those who are in the most immediate danger first we were told that it gets people who are in a closer proximity to where the shuttle is located.
Yes, we were naïve to stand out on Girard waiting for a shuttle that was not coming, however this is not the point. When we called we should have been informed that the shuttle was not coming for at least an hour. There is no reason for students to be told that they have to wait on the corner and chase the shuttle well after one in the morning. We were in real danger and the institution that the five of us collectively pay about $100,000 to attend could not have cared less.
We just ask for others to be informed. If the shuttle is not coming do not say it is. We were in real danger and it is only by some miracle that one of the five different men who approached us did not mug/rape/murder or more severely harass us.
It is really sad that people wanting a ride to frat houses and McDonalds get priority over those who are in real danger and need of a lift. In conclusion we would like to thank the Temple police who are in charge of the shuttle, we really feel safe with you around!

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