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Gay Marriage

Our president’s policy on things that make him look bad is to ignore them. Thus, our attention has been diverted from the occupation of Iraq,and the largest national debt in American history to a less

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Desert heat in the Gulf

Naomi Wallace’s “In the Heart of America,” a play documenting her reaction to the Gulf War, opened to a packed house Wednesday night. Weaving together the lives of five individuals plagued by the horrors of

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Album Reviews

Judging by the album’s title, I know what you’re thinking: “When did Aunt Mary’s tea cup poodle, Fefe, cut a record deal?” Wrong Fefe, and thankfully this Fefe has a lot more to sing about

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Temple in brief

Student Health Insurance The Human Resources Benefits Office is sponsoring an information and enrollment session today for three optional student health insurance plans. From 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Kiva Auditorium of the