Dear editor, “Wealthy neighborhoods remained intact due to their highly sophisticated levee systems…” Yikes Mr. Epstein! Thanks for volunteering, but did you sleep through your visit to New Orleans? This statement goes beyond inaccuracy and
Dear editor, I read this article in The Temple News with total amazement. As a native of the Ninth Ward and resident of the city for 50 years who was here for the disaster created
Dear editor, Your writer, Natsai Todd, completely missed the point about our city’s levee protection when writing this story. This isn’t a matter of which part of the city was better protected by levees. Parts
Dear editor, As a proud Temple student and member of the North Philadelphia community, I did go to the voting booth Nov. 3 to practice my civic duty electing new officials that I think will
Dear editor, I noticed in your recent edition an editorial, which made an excellent suggestion – that GenEd include a course addressing local politics. Although the letter focuses on introducing students to the court system
While U.S. lawmakers have the final sign-off on environmental laws, the wellbeing of the environment rests in the people’s commitment to sustainability.