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Rams brothers vie for title

Tennis brothers take advantage of their chemistry in doubles. When competing in doubles play in the sport of tennis, feel and communication are key in achieving success. Senior Filip Rams and junior Kacper Rams are

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Young pitchers fill starter roles

The Owls rely on a pair of underclassmen on the mound to carry their pitching staff. Take a glance at some pitching staffs at the collegiate level and there is usually a starter who anchors

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Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor

Dear Editor, This past Tuesday, March 27, the Temple College Republicans and the Temple College Democrats held a debate in the Underground and discussed issues affecting the local community and the nation. This event could

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Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor

Dear Editor, There is a growing trend across the nation’s colleges and universities – a movement that promotes student health. Throughout the country, college and university campuses are adopting smoke-free or tobacco-free policies. According to