Breaking News Concerns over campaign finances delay TSG elections announcement 06 April 2017 Julie Christie The Elections Committee said the election announcements were delayed for a day while it investigated a campaigns funds — which were found to be within the limit.
Breaking News Activate TU campaign suspended, reinstated 05 April 2017 Julie Christie TSG’s elections committee ordered the suspension less than five hours before polls closed.
News Separation of powers a source of conflict in TSG 04 April 2017 Julie Christie The two branches have clashed over defining Parliament’s role.
Breaking News Petition calls for TSG president to resign 02 April 2017 Julie Christie The petition states that Aron Cowen speaking at a Parliament meeting was an “abuse of power.”
Community Students, police condemn racist stickers on campus 28 March 2017 Julie Christie A white nationalist hate group posted racist slogans last week.
News University revising meal plan 21 March 2017 Julie Christie After criticism from the city, Temple retracted its estimated meal plan increase as a result of the sugary beverage tax.
Opinion My father’s farm: cultivating a bond 21 March 2017 Julie Christie A student reflects on her family’s farm and how it strengthened the relationship she has with her father.
Breaking News Power restored to dorms, administrative building after fire 07 March 2017 Julie Christie The Temple Administrative Services Building is about a block from the PECO substation where the fire occurred.
Breaking News Police: TU Alerts not connected 28 February 2017 Julie Christie Nobody was injured in either of the incidents.
Development Stadium study on hold; opposition continues 21 February 2017 Julie Christie Temple’s Project Delivery Group has not worked on the stadium “for months.”