Campus TSG deputy, advisor appointed to Joe Biden committee 29 March 2022 Maddie Sterner Shawn Aleong discusses his prior experience and his goals for the presidential committee.
News Temple United discussed COVID-19, sexual assault and safety at town hall 23 March 2022 Maddie Sterner Sustainability, religious inclusion and TSG engagement were also discussed.
Campus Temple mental health task force begins navigating goals 15 March 2022 Maddie Sterner The task force’s co-chairs said the committee will gather its findings by Fall 2022.
News TSG announces candidates for 2022-23 elections 07 March 2022 Maddie Sterner Voting will take place over a three-day period from March 22 to 24.
News Temple University Parliament discusses their second semester resolutions 22 February 2022 Taylor Addison and Maddie Sterner Student government’s Parliament has one resolution during their 2021-22 legislative term.
Community Free tax assistance program comes to Temple University Main Campus 22 February 2022 Maddie Sterner After 14 years at Ambler, people making $57,414 or less can receive free tax prep help.
News Here’s a breakdown of Temple President Wingard’s new administration 07 October 2021 Micah Zimmerman and Maddie Sterner A look inside the roles and goals of the new administration.
News RenewTU discusses goals for upcoming school year 02 September 2021 Maddie Sterner The executive branch of Temple Student Government wants to create resources to support students’ physical and mental health during the 2021-22 academic year.