They’ve played on the Warped Tour, gotten air-time on TRL and will play at Bamboozle. Consider Meg & Dia one in a slew of up-and-coming acts whose popularity is the result of free promotion courtesy
Chroma is a breath of fresh air in today’s music scene. Whether the band stands formal and polished in kitsch suits and ties on stage at World Cafe Live, or lounging in their worn-in T-shirts
Still gleaming with the sweat of red and yellow stage lights, Matt Kass raked a hand through his chin length mop of curls and grinned up at the ceiling, then at his fellow band member
It only takes one listen to tell that members of The Apples in Stereo love pop music from the 60s. I mean, they really, really love pop music from the 60s – and that’s really
When people think metal, they tend to picture bands like Metallica or Black Sabbath. Many bands have climbed to metal dominance over the years, but few have come out of the Land of the Rising
They are the one rock group most commonly mistaken for a jam band. But if you already knew that, then you’re probably too cool for them already. Tomorrow night, Of A Revolution, or better known
The “moe.ron” is a unique specimen – one that calls the open road and all of its diners and “World’s Largest” attractions home. Typically male, but sometimes female, it holds a certain fondness for the
Ghostface Killah, otherwise known as Wally Don or Tony Starks, visited North Philadelphia to promote his new album, “More Fish.” For his sixth solo album, Ghostface, formerly of the Wu-Tang Clan, opened up the mike
The Electric Factory hosted another indie rock band Thursday to appeal to the “underground music” scene of Philadelphia. This time they hosted the relatively well-known indie rock super group from Canada, Broken Social Scene. Do
Think back several years when Limp Bizkit disbanded and left blink-182 as the hottest band to dislike. But before the fallout, fans sang to such sardonic songs as “What’s My Age Again?,” and “Dammit,” believing