Commentary Immigration process must be reformed, made easier 28 March 2017 Varun Sivakumar The wait time for immigrants to receive visas and green cards needs to be reduced.
Commentary Forced treatment helps no one 21 March 2017 Adrian Corbey Involuntary treatment for people suffering from addiction violates individual rights.
Commentary Stop blaming ‘the media’ 21 March 2017 Jayna Schaffer Students should seek out reputable news sources to stay informed.
Commentary Discussion amongst students imperative for learning 07 March 2017 Zach Kocis To understand different perspectives, students should share opinions — even if they may be controversial.
Commentary Medical input needed on abortion bill 07 March 2017 Zari Tarazona The State House should vote against the proposed abortion bill next Monday.
Commentary Intentions matter for service 07 March 2017 Emma Lawrence Students should evaluate why they choose to do service.
Commentary Athletes: prepare for life after sports 28 February 2017 Varun Sivakumar Temple has put a necessary emphasis on academics for student-athletes.
Commentary Free-response exams benefit CST 28 February 2017 Amer Haffar Science majors learn more from test questions that require written responses.
Commentary Charter schools draw away funds 28 February 2017 Richelle Kota City charter schools should close so public schools can use their funds to create improvements.
Commentary TSG takes representation seriously 21 February 2017 Ruth Oshlag The current administration has included new voices in student government.