Opinion It’s not selfish to talk about mental health issues 14 September 2021 Jensen Kornfeind A student argues that mental health struggles are real and should be talked about.
Columns Learning North Philadelphia’s history contextualizes crime 14 September 2021 Julia Merola Students must recognize the historical reasons for violence in North Philadelphia neighborhoods.
Columns Anti-abortion restrictions are dangerous for Temple students 14 September 2021 Julia Merola A student argues that anti-abortion laws will negatively impact college students if they are passed.
Opinion Transitioning from online to in-person college is difficult 14 September 2021 Wendy Garcia A student shares their experience transitioning back to in-person learning after a year online.
Editorials Temple, be clearer about the vaccine mandate 14 September 2021 Editorial Board The Editorial Board urges Temple to be more transparent in explaining the consequences that students will face if they are not fully vaccinated by Oct. 15.
Columns Professors, look for more affordable textbook options 09 September 2021 Stella Rodriguez A student argues that professors should try to relieve financial stress by finding affordable options for textbooks.
Editorials Be proactive about COVID 31 August 2021 Editorial Board The Editorial Board urges students to be proactive in educating vaccine-hesitant individuals and protecting themselves from COVID-19.
Commentary Temple, require COVID-19 testing for all students 31 August 2021 Julia Merola A student argues that Temple should test all students for COVID-19 until Oct. 15.
Commentary Professors, be more mindful of pandemic brain 31 August 2021 Johnathan Tyska A student argues that professors should be mindful of how online learning has affected students.
Commentary Stop downplaying the symptoms of COVID-19 31 August 2021 Lindsay Griffin A student argues that people must help educate their loved ones about COVID-19 symptoms.