Editorials Movers & Shakers: One year of the COVID-19 pandemic 16 March 2021 Editorial Board The Editorial Board recognizes the individuals featured in Movers & Shakers who have done essential work during the pandemic and calls for the Temple community to continue following COVID-19 protocol to respect them.
Columns Trigger warnings create a safe space for students 10 March 2021 Julia Merola A student argues professors and students should preface presenting graphic material with trigger warnings.
The Essayist My stuffed animals are my emotional support 05 March 2021 Christina Mitchell A student shares how a gift from her boyfriend is not just a souvenir, but a priceless possession that she values above anything else.
The Essayist I long for live music in a packed stadium 02 March 2021 Molly McGowan A student describes her last concert before the COVID-19 pandemic began and discusses how much she misses seeing her favorite artists perform live.
Commentary Every Temple college should have a ‘relief week’ 02 March 2021 Christina Mitchell A student argues other schools should give students a week off like the College of Engineering.
Commentary Spring break is canceled and so is your vacation 02 March 2021 Maya Rahman A student encourages others not to travel this week despite the temptation of warm beaches.
Commentary Don’t abandon masks because you’re vaccinated 02 March 2021 Christina Mitchell A student urges others who are vaccinated to follow protocol and protect unvaccinated people.
Editorials Wellness Days don’t cut it 02 March 2021 Editorial Board The Editorial Board urges the university to expand the number of Wellness Days by working with individual schools and colleges to add “relief weeks.”
Editorials Utilize new SNAP benefit eligibility 02 March 2021 Editorial Board The Editorial Board urges students who are eligible for expanded SNAP benefits to take advantage of this opportunity.
The Essayist I want snow days back 19 February 2021 Allison Nikles A student shares how she misses snow days from her childhood.