Columns Suicide prevention isn’t just checking on people 22 September 2020 Regina Schliep A student argues affordable housing and universal healthcare are forms of suicide prevention.
Opinion Long live the king, Chadwick Boseman 16 September 2020 Camillia Benjamin A student describes the impact the late Chadwick Boseman, the star of “Black Panther” who died at 43 of colon cancer, left on her.
Commentary Kamala Harris’ nomination is a double-edged sword 15 September 2020 Rachel Berson Joe Biden choosing Kamala Harris as his running mate is a progressive, yet controversial move in the wake of civil unrest around police brutality.
Opinion A quarantine lesson in love 10 September 2020 Christina Mitchell A student shares her experience quarantining with her boyfriend for nearly four months during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Commentary Indoor dining during a pandemic isn’t worth it 08 September 2020 Meredith Haas A student argues that city restaurants reopening for dine in eating today isn’t safe due to COVID-19 risks.
Opinion My depression before the pandemic wasn’t like this 08 September 2020 Kelly Thompson A student writes about her history of depression and how her symptoms changed during the pandemic.
Commentary Asynchronous classes are ideal for online learning 08 September 2020 Michelle Levin A student argues for professors to switch from synchronous to asynchronous course formats.
Commentary Students shouldn’t risk their lives in research labs 08 September 2020 Maya Rahman A student argues that pausing research or adapting labs to be virtual will save lives at Temple.
Editorials Protect Temple community’s safety 08 September 2020 Editorial Board The Editorial Board responds to the university’s decision to suspend nearly all in-person classes for the rest of the semester.
The Essayist My education should be essential 08 September 2020 Renata Kaminski A student shares her difficulties with managing online learning amid travel restrictions in Brazil.