Senior Ashley Huber will leave Philadelphia to volunteer in 11 countries after graduation.
Senior journalism major Ashley Huber said traveling and studying abroad is the opportunity of a lifetime. While it may not be for everyone, Huber said, students are encouraged to travel because it brings about an insurmountable amount of benefits.

Huber was selected to participate in the World Race: World Mission Trip. She will travel to 11 different countries over an 11-month span.
The purpose of the trip is to provide a challenging adventure for young adults to “abandon worldly possessions and a traditional lifestyle in exchange for an understanding that it’s not about you; it’s about the Kingdom,” according to the organization’s website.
“Being able to gain knowledge from and be challenged by more experienced people is something that I look forward to,” she said.
Huber said her interest in the trip was first sparked by an opportunity she had to study abroad in London. She fell in love with the community and the experience of being away from home.
Upon her return, she said she realized she was not satisfied with the idea of staying in Philadelphia after graduation.
“I wanted to be on a plane again,” Huber said. “I began looking for service and mission trips to satisfy my strong desire to travel and be away.”
Southern Africa, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam are just four of the 11 places Huber will travel. She and her fellow participants will build houses, schools and churches in towns and cities in need.
When she returns, Huber plans to create a picture portfolio and document stories in each country she goes to, strategically compile them all and send it to National Geographic, which she said she hopes to work for one day.
Shanell Simmons can be reached at
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